Tara D’Souza Bra Size & Body Measurements

Tara D’Souza is a famous fat-loss, bodybuilding, and fitness expert. He is also the creator of the now infamous No Nonsense Diet. His book, The Fat Loss Factor, was released in 1996 and has gone on to become one of the most popular books on weight loss and personal improvement in the world. The inspiration for this book was the realization that many people who had been slimmer and more fit for years were finally losing the same amount of weight they had always maintained. This realization spurred him on to create a more in-depth look at what it takes to stay fit and attractive while shedding pounds.
D’Souza’s first and foremost source of inspiration was his overweight and out-of-shape mother. While he had been healthy and happy as a child, his mother’s obesity had him convinced that he would be an obese adult. When he was about 18, he had a serious confrontation with his mother and revealed his inability to continue on his weight loss program. She then gave him the book, No Nonsense Diet, and told him that he should try it. That was the beginning of his lifelong dedication to the diet.
Bra Size & Body Measurements
Bra Size | 34 B |
Waist Size | 25 Inches |
Hips Size | 36 Inches |
Shoe Size | 8 (US) |
Body Measurements | 34 – 25 – 36 Inches |
There are a number of issues with this story. First, D’Souza grossly exaggerates his case, often making himself out to be a success before he really is one. While his mother was overweight, he was never able to put forth the effort required to lose the weight and keep it off. He also portrays his mother’s weight loss efforts as being very successful, when, in reality, she must have continued to do the same thing over to keep the weight off. She had clearly been struggling for years; he therefore portrays her efforts as being less than stellar.
It’s also important to note that Tara D’Souza seems to celebrate any excess body fat and praises obese people. In other words, he puts all the blame on overweight people. He even calls overweight people “courageous” in a way that sounds very patronizing. This is ironic coming from a man who claims to want to help others. Worse, by praising obese people, he is not only setting himself up for criticism, but is also helping to perpetuate the myth that being overweight is something to be ashamed of.
After finishing this book, I still don’t know exactly what to make of it. I suppose that I’ll have to wait until I’ve read more of his books to see what else he’s got up his sleeve. For now, I’m happy to note that this isn’t the first time he’s put out such a dense and wordy book. His previous two books, The Biggest Loser and Lose the Fat, were more light-hearted and comical, at least in comparison to this one. Still, I can’t help but feel a little dissatisfied.
I also liked that Tara D’Souza seems to genuinely be concerned about issues surrounding weight and obesity. While he does touch on the subject briefly in his preface, he covers an important enough issue to warrant his mention. That issue is the problem with most biographies, which tend to skim over important details. In this case, Tara D’Souza peppers his writing with plenty of anecdotes from his own life, but he doesn’t merely fill the pages with biographical data. Instead, he provides great advice on how to deal with the complications of being overweight.